November 18th, 2024Program Monday

Congress hall
09:00–10:30 am

Stroke-induced changes in glia function and their modulation

Conference room
09:00–10:30 am

Glucose and lipid metabolic regulation and diabetic ischemic stroke

Meeting room
09:00–10:30 am

Lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum as foundation of protective and regenerative therapies for stroke and neurodegeneration

10:30-11:00 am | Coffee break

Congress hall
11:00 am–12:30 pm

Dynamic changes in microvessel structure and function with focal injury, and their management

Conference room
11:00 am–12:30 pm

Recent progress in intracerebral hemorrhage research

Meeting room
11:00 am–12:30 pm

No reflow, microthrombosis and cerebral edema: all the same thing?

12:30-01:30 pm | Lunch break

Congress hall
01:30–03:00 pm

Shining light on neuronal plasticity after stroke

Conference room
01:30–03:00 pm

Inflammation and the brain 1: mechanisms
Selected from submitted abstracts

Meeting room
01:30–03:00 pm

Drug Delivery to the Brain: The Next Frontier for Development of Neuroprotective Therapies to Treat Ischemic Stroke

03:00-03:30 pm | Coffee break

Congress hall
03:30–05:20 pm

Opening ceremony and presidential lecture

05:20-05:30 pm | Short break

Congress hall
05:30–06:50 pm

Hot News 1

Conference room
05:30–06:50 pm

Hot News 2

Meeting room
05:30–06:50 pm

Hot News 3

Status: August 2024